Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Potty trained at 16 months!

Well, we are trying... and we are making great progress!

Here is Isaiah on his "Baby Bjorn" potty chair. We gave it to him just after his first birthday and he like to sit on it (and stand on it, and climb on it, and stick his feet in it). At about 14 months, last October, we started putting him on the potty whenever we changed him, and almost immediately, he took to peeing in it. Of course we also sait the word "potty" and made the sign for bathroom whenever we took him. Since Christmas time, he will sign 'potty' and/or nod 'yes' when we ask him if he has to go!

I think Isaiah thinks that if he sits down, he HAS to do something because when he sits, he grunts like John McEnroe. He also loves to watch the big toilet flush, and almost falls in staring, pointing, and laughing with excitement each time the toilet is flushed.

One day Isaiah had gone, and I emptied and wiped out the bowl and flushed it for him, and he wanted to sit some more. Not wanting to stand in the way of progress, I left him there and went back to work in the other room. A few minutes later I hear water pouring into the toilet and rush to see what he could be up to. He had gone potty again, and had dumped it in the toilet (dripping only a little) and was in the process of wiping out the bowl with a LOT of paper (another thing he thoroughly enjoys!)


At 8:21 PM, Blogger Waltzers said...

Well, you're truely ahead of us - it was a looooooooooong time before we potty trained. Sad to say it was just easier to do diapers for so long.

Ok - I also feel I need a little "big picture" catch-me-up... I was back reading some original posts and somehow have gleamed that you're back in Lake Benton, writing for the newspaper? and homeschooling all the kids. If one, two, all or none of these things are true - can you clue me in?

Hope all things continue to go well in the new year! Blessings and greetings to everyone!!!!


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