Sunday, July 06, 2008

Rumor control

First, the rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated!
Although it would be hard to tell from the utter silence at the blog over the last year.
It has not been high on my list of things to do, but I miss it somewhat and do enjoy reading your blogs, so I must keep up my end of the deal.

What have the Bergers been up to for the past several month?
Here is the short and sweet version:

Last Fall, Christin and Todd became GRANDPARENTS!

Keaton James Rietz was born November 20, 2007.

Here are the proud parents, Cody and Maggie, back in December when we went to visit in December.

Maggie says that he is already trying to walk! More pictures to come...

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Other news, we are well on our way to having a petting zoo here in Minnesota.
(We had to give away our dog, Skip, because he killed our first batch of poultry.)
We currently own:
7 cats
2 fish
1 pigeon
13 ducks
26 chickens
3 guineas
1 bottle pig

Most of them are 4H projects, but the chickens will supply us with eggs, and the ducks and pig some meat in the fall. The guineas are supposed to be good bug eaters and don't let strangers on the yard without making a ruckus, so they earn their keep, too.

One other major development in our home is in April, Christin began working for Avera (a large hospital system in Sioux Falls) and Todd is now the stay-at-home parent and home-school instructor. big change, but working out.

Please come back and read again, as I will update the blog more often!