He's here!
Andrew Benjamin Franklin Berger
was born on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 10:51 PM.
He weighed 6 lb. 9 oz. and is 19 inches tall.
He weighed 6 lb. 9 oz. and is 19 inches tall.
He is now at Avera McKennan hospital in Sioux Falls as he is having some respiration issues and they don’t want it to develop into pneumonia and he had a very high hematocrit level (too many red blood cells, he's as red as a tomato!) but that seems to be self correcting too. So while he is hospitalized, he seems to be doing well.
They never did put him on an IV, and no antibiotics at all yet. He is not quite so tomato-red as he was yesterday afternoon, they think his high hematocrit level is self adjusting.
He tried to sleep all Tuesday night/Wednesday but couldn't with all the people moving around him, attaching probes etc. so last night when he finally tried to nurse he would barely start and then fall right to sleep! Then when the nurse tried to change him he screams like a fire alarm – one long, high-pitched squeal! Christin is staying there with him.
Probably coming home on Friday... I will take the other kids to see him on Friday after school.
Seeing Andrew for the first time at the hospital in Sioux Falls.
Everyone wanted to see, touch, and hold the baby!
Friday, April 27:Everyone wanted to see, touch, and hold the baby!
Yes, we brought Andrew home today. As much as Isaiah looked like dad, Andrew looks like Mom!!! He has very dark hair and skin (although it is not as red as it had been). He eats well, but does not like to have a diaper changed... as if you needed to know that!
Goodnight. I'm going to go back and not sleep some more.