Sunday, September 10, 2006


It was a very sad week at our house!

As you know, Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter died over the weekend. While we don't watch a lot of TV, the kids did ocassionally watch and enjoy the Crocodile Hunter. We watched the Discovery Channel's broadcast of all of his interviews, etc. The boys had a good cry, and we talked about how much his kids will miss their dad. All good stuff to talk about at such a time.

But to make matters worse, Sunday afternoon, David found two kittens (that he didn't yet know we had) had been killed by the tom cat. I later found the other two, killed as well.

It was a very sad week at our house!

David doing his best 'Crocodile Hunter' impersonation during the 2005 county fair.

Not to be out-done, William & Jacquie got in on the action as well.


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